Death is Not Dying

I read John Piper’s blog. I was intrigued when I read this:

“Rachel Barkey is a 37 year-old wife and mother of two who is dying of cancer. She only has weeks to live. On March 4, she addressed 600 women and in 55 minutes delivered one of the most God-centered, gospel-soaked, honest, moving, and beautiful messages I have heard. I don’t know that Rachel has read John’s article, Don’t Waste Your Cancer, but she is a beautiful example of every point John made.

Check out Rachel’s website where you can watch or download the video and audio. You will not regret the 55 minutes. Very little is more important than the things she says.”

I just listened to it. Her message is one of the most moving, convicting, encouraging, beautiful things I have ever heard. Please, please, take an hour and listen to what she has to say.


Exploiting the Meltdown


Letter to Shoprite


  1. gutmanfam

    I watched it a couple weeks ago. Really makes you think about what's important in life. And more purposeful with the time I have with my kids.

  2. Anonymous

    This was great! And I love God's timing in it all. I was able to pass it along to a friend whose 20 year old niece was just diagnosed with breast and bone cancer. Thanks for sharing! God is so good!

    Melissa Sieperda

  3. Melodie Monberg

    This is powerful…thank you for posting.


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