
We took the Hillside team to Zanzibar for 3 days at the end of their trip. It’s one of our absolute favorite places in the world, so we didn’t mind! Zanzibar is a large island off the coast of Tanzania, inhabited by about a million people, 99.9% of whom are Muslim. It is full of incredible culture, history, and beaches!

Swimming with dolphins. You see that arm in the back? That’s not Gil, but that is how close he got.

I love having a photographer for a husband. 🙂

This is what my little guy does whenever he finds me sitting or kneeling on the ground.

Stonetown, the main city, is full of amazing architecture…buildings made out of coral…carved doors like you see here…fascinating history.

The locals are eager to “decorate” the tourists with homemade items.

Home of Red Colubus monkeys….you can get close enough to touch them.

Dozens of spices grown here….

…and loads of exotic fruit.

Gil bought Josiah this little “Rastafari” hat…and he was just WAY too cute for words.

Our awesome, energetic, willing, flexible team….we love you guys! Thanks, Sarah, Ian, Michelle, Kristen, and Ruben!

(This picture was taken in a mangrove forest…one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been.)


Agape Children’s Village


Smitten, part 2


  1. Sammye & Tumaini

    So much fun!!! Oddly enough, I dreamt of Zanzibar last night. My favorite place in the world too. I would tie Tumi on my back and go tidepooling early in the morning while the tide was still low. I am so glad that you are getting these memories with your family.

  2. Anonymous

    great pics zanzibar looks very beatiful

  3. Chocolate, Vanilla and Caramel

    How beautiful! I can totally see why you love it so much!

  4. Tundra Mom

    Looks like fun… I love that fruit you showed. We've had it in Thailand… YUM! Glad you got to go there together!



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