this mommy loves the Grace in her life

Sweet Baby Girl,

As you lie next to me on this bed, crashed into sleep from the sugar and excitement of the morning of your fourth birthday, and so excited about your party this afternoon, I’m thinking about you.

I love you, this little girl God has given me. I love your zest for life, your excitement over absolutely everything. I love that no one is a stranger to you, you gladly give hugs to whomever wants to hug you; you love completely and without restraint. You are almost always happy. You immediately make friends with any child you come into contact with. “Hi, my name is Grace. What’s your name?” You are far more gregarious and more of an extrovert than I have ever been. I love your ability to win others over. I love how you thoroughly love your little brother and want to play with him all the time.

I’m finally believing those who told me, “The years will go by so fast!” When you were one and two and three and the days went by so slowly, four seemed so far away. And now I look back and wonder where the time went, and think about how in another four years you will be eight. Eight!

I want you to love God. Your family. Adoption. Africa. Missions. Your unique heritage. I want you to be a person of character and integrity. I want you to treasure Christ. I don’t want you to lose your joy when you turn 13…as I’ve seen far too often.

And I’m scared. Because I wonder if I really am cut out for this task of being your mother. I feel like you deserve so much more from me than you get. There is so much I want for you, so much that I want to develop in you, and I wonder if I really can do it. Then I remember that I can’t do it—not on my own, anyway. It’s only the grace of God that will work through me, and only the grace of God that will work in you.

So my precious Gracie, as we begin a New Year in history and a New Year of your life, I pray that God will continue to fill both our lives with His grace. And that it will infuse your life in such a way that others will say, “What a perfect name for you!”

Your Mommy


Bath Babies


I am…


  1. Sammye & Tumaini

    Precious Grace. I cannot believe she is four either. I feel honored that I got to hold her when she was just a little baby, and that you allow all of us who are not near to watch her grow through your writing and pictures. Happy Birthday, Grace!

  2. Anonymous

    aww amy that almost made me cry happy birthday to grace!

  3. Tumi's Beeb

    Happy Birthday, Grace! Amy, you have no idea the happy tears and laughter your adoption of Grace and Josiah has brought to me. Grace's spirit is amazing and delightful! Your willingness to share photos and stories is cherished. Love from Tumi's bibi!

  4. Ashley L. @ Missionary Moms

    What a sweet and touching post. Your little girl is so blessed to have such a loving mommy like you!

    I wanted to stop by and invite you to join in on the "Christmas Around the World" photo challenge at Missionary Moms! There a fun giveaway to go along with the challenge! Come visit the following post to find out more! God bless!

  5. Tundra Mom

    Happy Birthday Grace!

    I love your post here- I always wonder if I am enough for my kids– you nailed it. Only if Jesus works through me! 🙂 He is more than enough!
    Thanks for the reminder.


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