Capturing Zanzibar

Last week was mid-term break, so Gil and I left the kids with friends and snuck away for four days to celebrate our 10th Anniversary.  We went to Zanzibar, where we have been quite a few times before, but there’s always new places to explore and fall in love with all over again. 

Zanzibar is an inhabited island (population 1 million) off the coast of Tanzania and though it is technically part of Tanzania, has a very unique culture.  The beaches are unlike anything in the world.  The architecture is stunning.  The culture and people, a mix of Arab and African, are fascinating.  We stayed three nights at a beach hotel and one night in Stonetown, the capital city.  We biked, snorkeled, walked, watched the sunset, read, swam, kayaked, and enjoyed great food.  It was just plain wonderful. 

Gil collected these while snorkeling by tying them to his trunks….don’t worry, we threw them all back after the picture!

A sea turtle conservation facility. 

Since I’ve seen baby turtles hatching twice now, it was so fascinating to see them as adults!  Such beautiful, graceful, gentle animals. 

Mnarani Beach Hotel

The rest of these pictures are views from Stonetown.

Tanzania elections coming up on Sunday….the streets everywhere are plastered with posters!

At night, Forodhani Gardens are lit up by dozens of food vendors selling all the seafood you can imagine!


Flying High


Everybody Say “Awwwwww…..”


  1. jibberish

    Your beach pictures are always so amazing! I'm very glad you and Gil were able to celebrate your relationship this way.

    We tore into the major remodeling of our home for our tenth anniversary. The only breathtaking part was the dust we were choking on, but it was fun and memorable nonetheless. 🙂

  2. Shelley

    Zanzibar is still the most beautiful place I have ever been! How incredible to live near it and be able to escape there with your hubby! Love the pictures. I recognize a couple of the spots. :-)You look great, btw

  3. Ashley @ Root And Twig

    Followed Jedidjah's blog to yours, and I'm really enjoying it! Beautiful family and fascinating narrative. These pics of Zanzibar brought tears to my eyes. It's magical and I always wish I could go back.

  4. Tundra Mom

    what a wonderful collection of pictures! Happy Anniversary.


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