Maggie is a senior at HOPAC.  She joined last year, but her parents live three hours away.  Since HOPAC is not a boarding school, she found a girls’ hostel to live in.  We found out this year through the grapevine that this was a really negative situation for her.

So we prayed and thought and decided to convert our garage into a bedroom, and invite her to live with us.  She moved in, about a month ago.  She is awesome.  She is kind and helpful and loves our kids.  She is very, very smart–scoring perfect SAT scores in math and physics, and wants to attend MIT to study aerospace engineering.  Yeah, I help her with her homework all the time.  Ha.

Grace says, “Mommy, I REALLY want my little sister to come home [Yeah, me too, Sweetie!] but I also wanted a big sister and now I have one!”  Blessings all around for all of us.