Heri ya Krismas, 2010

Church Christmas Program

He didn’t cry; he didn’t throw a fit….he did hold the microphone; he did move his lips, but I really don’t think any sound came out of his mouth. 

This one, however, was born for the stage.

A few days before Christmas, we had a special buffet lunch at the Movenpik Hotel with good friends, complete with clowns and face painting for the kids!


The Quest for a Tanzanian Christmas


The Joy of Cool Air


  1. Melodie Monberg

    Love, love, LOVE Grace's hair. Oh I wish there was a place here that didn't cost an arm and a leg. My dear Desta is going "natural" these days! smile

    Great pictures. Your children are beautiful!

  2. Amy Medina

    Thanks, Melodie! Yeah–it cost about $10 and lasted 2 months. Just took it out this week! It's very true that African hair is easiest to take care of in Africa. 🙂

  3. da halls

    "Born for the stage" . . . just like her mama! 80)


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