Angels All Around

First, a little about Forever Angels Baby Home. I wrote about this wonderful place when I first got to meet Lily. That time you got to hear about it with my words; now I’ll let you see it through Gil’s camera. Be prepared to be impressed.

Their capacity is 50 children.  They are always over capacity.

Every child is treated with love, respect, and individual attention.

Rows of individually labeled toothbrushes and cups

Something like 400 diapers a day…..

And then there’s the children.  The beautiful, amazing, resilient children.

Tuckered out

Skinny Little Sweetie.  Sigh.  Gil and I really fell in love with him.

I have no words.

The children hang all over anyone around. 

He needs a Daddy, doesn’t he? 

Grace was almost offered a job.  She pushed kids on swings, gave them piggy back rides, and chased them around.  Such a fantastic big sister!

 Just one of the many reasons I love this man

 Amy H., the incredible founder and director of Forever Angels.  She helped us in so many ways and is such an amazing advocate for these children (not to mention, she’s adopted 5 of them herself).

 One of the qualifications for being a Forever Angels volunteer is a willingness to be a human jungle gym.


More about our Lily.

So many have commented on the beautiful pictures of our precious Lily.   But I must admit, they are not entirely realistic.  Coaxing smiles out of her has been hard work.  Since we came for her, she has been pretty solemn and quiet….certainly trying to process everything new in her little life.  She’s smiling in the pictures in the previous post because I had just given her some sparkly pink shoes, not because she’s happy she has a family!  I know that many more smiles are in her future, but I don’t want to give you an unrealistic picture of toddler adoption!  This picture is much more representative of the Lily we see.   

 Sisters getting to know each other

 Josiah kept “petting” her and saying, “She’s so cuuute!”

And here’s the Lily we are just getting glimpses of….a prelude of what is to come! 

I asked her, “Where is Daddy?”

And you can see the response. 

God is good. 


One Less Orphan


How’s It Going?


  1. Anonymous

    Great post amy! all the kids there are so cute!


  2. Unknown

    Beautiful, beautiful. I'm praising God with you.

  3. Sammye Walton

    Absolutely overwhelmed with excitement, gratitude and happiness for you all.

  4. Bubbles

    That is so precious! Can't wait to meet her! Blessings to you all, A

  5. Bibibarb

    Yes, God is good. So happy for all of you.

  6. The Eaks

    Wow! Toothbrushes and diapers! I'm really impressed! The orphanage in Ethiopia where we got our kiddos didn't do toothbrushes (though hundreds were in their donation room). Nor did they do diapers… they opted for these horrible plastic liner things. Severe diaper rash problems! God bless that place! Thanks for the realistic pictures too… it took awhile for our toddler to lose the blank scared look too. Faith in future grace! 🙂
    Love the post!! 🙂 Carey

  7. jibberish

    Thanks for another glimpse into your world and Lily's former world. So many images of God's goodness in a sin-cursed world!

  8. Melodie Monberg

    LOVE the photos of the home..makes me happy to see so many children LOVED…wish that could be for all CHILDREN. Oh Come Lord Jesus soon…


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