I don’t know if we’ll be in Tanzania another 12 years, but I know that if we are, Grace will graduate from HOPAC with a lot of the kids she is on the playground with now.

So I want to get to know these parents.  A couple of weeks ago was my first attempt.  I love the fact that I can invite these families to school for a birthday party for the kindergarten teacher, on a Saturday afternoon, and they will actually come. 

Such a great day.  When you’ve got families with as diverse backgrounds as those at HOPAC, you know you’re going to have great conversations. 

(That’s Grace’s classroom in the background.)

The kids brought their bikes and careened around the campus, and us moms got to know each other. 

Later that week, the kids got the surprise of their life.  This class loves to dance (and I love that their teacher encourages them to dance), and one of their favorite songs to dance to is by a Kenyan Christian rap star. 

So you can imagine their excitement when Bupe himself jumped into their dance party one day. 

I’d say those are some pretty lucky kindergarteners.