Making Merry

Caleb is Grace’s very best friend.  They are almost exactly the same age, and been friends their whole lives.  Josiah and Imani are also the same age, but they have just gotten to the point where they have stopped looking at each other in distain.  Not quite the same relationship as Grace and Caleb.

We love Caleb and Imani’s family, and they were in town last weekend, so we did some Christmas merriment with them. 

Last year at Christmas we spent a Sunday afternoon at a fancy hotel’s special buffet…and had so much fun that we did it again this year. 

We don’t normally eat this well.  🙂

Last year, the hotel had a jumper and clowns to entertain the kids.  This year, they had nada.  So the kids ran in the sprinklers instead.  Hopefully the hotel regrets not getting that jumper. 

The next day, we had our First Annual Gingerbread-Making Party.

This was Mommy’s first time making gingerbread houses from scratch.  So….ummm…yeah.

Emily (Caleb’s Mom) said that the houses reminded her of the village where they live.  As in, they are all falling down.  Well, at least our gingerbread houses were culturally appropriate.

Although I think Josiah’s simply collapsed under the weight of everything he put on it. 


It’s Okay; I Like the Sun After All


Christmas Morning

1 Comment

  1. Heather and Adam

    LOVE it!! Looks like you guys had a very Merry Christmas indeed:)!


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