Awww…You Guys Made Me Ink!

(name that movie)

When I taught in California, there would be this big moving-van type truck that would arrive in the parking lot once a year with a mobile aquarium in it.  The kids would be shuffled through and allowed about five minutes each to “touch and feel” the ocean animals.

First grade visited the tide pools last week to finish up their seashore unit.  The kids at HOPAC don’t know how good they got it, with their own non-mobile aquarium five minutes away from their school, and they got a good two hours to “touch and feel” the real thing. 

The octopus provided the most entertainment of the morning, when it proceeded to spray black ink all over the screeching children standing over it. 

 Mikayla, Nurdin, and their jellyfish friend.

Sometimes I laugh when people think our kids are deprived, growing up way over here in Africa.



This Picture Makes Me Really Happy


This Here is Love.


  1. ZoeMarks

    I remember this exact same field trip with my first graders…who are now 6th graders And we got to see anja smits fish tank afterwards!! I only wish I could take our school kids here to the same place. It really is a bonus to growing up in Africa – there's nothing else quite like it!!

  2. Jeremy and Paulina

    FINDING NEMO!!!! LOVE IT. That movie never ceases to crack me up.


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