The Wonderful Life of Grace Medina, Part 2, and the People Who Make it Wonderful

Living in Tanzania is a pretty great place to grow up, but attending HOPAC….well, that really puts it over the top.  I am so thankful that my kids get to attend here, and Grace (and even Josiah and Lily) have been able to participate in such wonderful experiences.  

You’ll see pictures below of a 1K Fun Run (part of a 5K race for older students) that Grace participated in…and won for her age group!   

You’ll also see pictures of beautiful murals.  Grace got to be a part of this after-school group which spent a number of months designing and painting murals in front of each elementary classroom.  

And third, pictures of the The Legend of the Lion King, a wonderful performance that all three of my kids got to join.    

What’s remarkable about all three events is that they were all initiated, coordinated, and staffed by volunteer teachers.  No one forced Rose to organize the 5K.  Sarah and Emily volunteered to teach a group of a dozen students or so to paint murals (knowing that there would be lots of small children and paint involved!)  And Sue and Jenny took on the ambitious Lion King project purely out of love.

They did not get paid overtime.  It was not part of their job description.  

They did these things because they love Jesus and HOPAC and our students.

Those are the kind of people I want my kids to be around.  

So, so blessed.  

The1K Race

The 2013 Mural Project

(Grace with Mikayla and Ellena.  They designed and painted much of this mural.)

The Legend of the Lion King

Rafiki with Baby Simba (aka Josiah)

Pride Rock

Timon and Pumbaa


I am His


Thanks, Guys.

1 Comment

  1. Cecilie

    Just one of the numerous perks of being a student at Hopac! Tell Grace the murals look amazing!


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