
Oh, the great state of Texas.  I find it interesting that out of the six families we visited in Texas, 5 of them formerly lived in California.  Hmmmm….

Phil and Megan were part of the college group we led 10 years ago.  

Tommy was part of it too.  It’s been pretty neat to see the fruit of that ministry.

Mike and Laura were friends from our church in California.

Nathaniel and Wendy were friends from college.  

Christine and I were also friends from college.



We haven’t aged a bit, haven’t we?  

Don’t answer that.

We also visited the Cox family in Texas….the one family so far that we forgot to get a picture of.  Argh.

Two more states to go….we are almost there!  Moving into our apartment on Saturday!




New Mexico


  1. naomi

    hmmm . . . do we know the Cox family? did they used live in Spain?

  2. Megan @ SimplyThrifty

    Fun pictures! Yes, Tommy B is the same one I thought it was. We knew each other. Also, Kristine was my WOW leader my freshman year of college! Crazy huh? I haven't seen her since she graduated.

  3. Amy Medina

    Nope…Coxes lived in Tanzania!


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