Welcome to My House

This has been our home for four years now (before our home assignment), which is the longest we’ve lived in any place since we’ve been married.  We have an excellent landlord, which has made living here to be blessing.  We’re about a half mile away from HOPAC, and 1 1/2 miles away from the Reach Tanzania training center, which is our new ministry.  It’s a great location and we are so thankful for this house.  

Our house (like all buildings) is made of concrete block.  We have wood ceilings and tiled floors.  

Living Room.  At Play Time, not We’re-Having-Guests-Over-Time

Door from the living room to the back of the house, where bedrooms are located

Master bedroom.  Mosquito nets are a necessity.

Master bathroom

Second bathroom

Kids’ room

Water heater.  This is turned on and off manually, and uses a lot of electricity.  I turn it on about 4:00 every day for a few hours, so that we can have hot water for showers.  We wash dishes and clothes in cold water only.

Garage which is now turned into toy/craft room.

Frodo, one of our Rhodesian Ridgebacks.  He doesn’t do much except lay on our porch, dropping engorged ticks everywhere.  You can guess how much I love that.  

Gate and driveway.

Our massively enormous yard.  Seriously, you could easily put one or two more houses in this yard.  It’s huge.   

Garbage pit on the far side of our yard.  All of our trash is thrown here and burned.  

Broken glass cemented into the tops of the walls around our house.

This is the tropics.  These are everywhere.  

Even better are all the other kinds of palms, like this one.

This little house is off to the side of ours, but inside our outside wall.  It is occupied by Paul, who is our gardener.  This is perfectly normal, even expected, in this country.  

Underneath our clotheslines is a huge underground water tank.  I think it holds something like 20,000 liters of water.  Water does not come in every day, so when it does come in, it gets stored in this tank.  That gives us a few weeks’ supply when the city water is cut off.  

Tomorrow I’ll show you the kitchen.  That’s a whole subject to itself.




Welcome to My Kitchen


  1. Herding Grasshoppers

    Oh gosh, it is bad that I'm cracking up about the little "treasures" Frodo leaves you? Sorry!

    What a great house – thanks for the tour 😀 And what a FABULOUS yard. When you mentioned (earlier) that your landlord had cut down the tree with the swing, I didn't have any idea if that meant your yard was left bare… guess not!

    Thanks for sharing the ordinary things.

    Julie G

  2. Ruth Flohr

    Such a nice home. Thanks for the tour. Now I can think of you and your family with a background too.

  3. Amy Medina

    well, Julie….if you have any idea how to get rid of such "treasures," I would be happy to know. 🙂

    And Ruth–glad you enjoyed it!


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