Sometimes I Wish For Building Codes

Where you live, the leaves are probably starting to change color.  But down here in the southern hemisphere, things are heating up.  

So since the kids had the day off from school, we headed to Wet n’ Wild.  

Yep, Dar es Salaam’s very own water park.  And it’s only a mile away from our house.  

We got there at 11:30.  We waited in line.  This was the line.  Needless to say, the wait was not long.  Well, except that no one was in the ticket booth, so we had to yell into the window for a minute until someone heard us.

One adult + 4 kids (Zawadi was with us) = 32,000 shillings or $19.20.

The crowds were overwhelming, as you can see here.  In fact, I think there might have been a whole 12 people there besides the other HOPAC friends who joined us.

I mean, look at the lines the kids had to wait in!

And Lily could practically barely move around the swarms of other kids!

But before you start thinking that this place is too good to be true, well, don’t.

It may look amazing from distance shots, but when you get up close, your Mommy-radar may give a little shudder.

Especially when you realize that the wonderful kiddie-pool is really just an ordinary playground cemented into the water on large concrete blocks with sharp edges.

And even though this set of slides may look picture perfect,

on closer inspection, you may notice this sign.

Which was probably unnecessary considering that the whole front of the structure is covered with scaffolding.  

And when the children climb to the top of the slides, you notice large cracks running through the bottom of the stairs.

And you notice that there are workmen, with drills, working on the scaffolding.

But apparently, none of these are reasons to close down the slides to small children!

In all the years we have gone to this park (over 13 years), the kitchen has never actually served the items listed on their rather extensive menu.  I stopped being disappointed years ago, and have learned to ask, “So what are you serving today?” instead of even bothering to look at the menu.

Today, it was burgers and fries.

And of course, ice cream!

The truth is, that even though this park’s lack of safety standards gives me a few heart palpitations, the kids always have an absolutely fabulous time.  Why shouldn’t they?  They don’t have to wait in line, they get the slides all to themselves, and they wear themselves out by running up the stairs.

Sure, you know, Mom wants slides that aren’t held up by rusty poles, but I guess I’m just picky like that.


Choosing Humiliation


On Piles of Sand and Eating Babies


  1. Tamie

    We visited this park for the first time when we were in Dar about a month ago. So much fun and so exactly like you described! The other thing that got me was the completely random changes in depths in the kiddie pool. Those of us who accidentally swallowed some of the water were also violently sick for the next 24 hours but I doubt that will stop us from returning!

  2. Amy Medina

    Oh my goodness, Tamie, don't get me started on the color and murkiness of the water!
    Once when we went, it was completely solid green, and there was a sign outside that was trying to persuade everyone that this was perfectly fine (I can't remember their reasoning!) We decided not to go that day!
    Today it was a little green but not too's funny how our standards change!

  3. Herding Grasshoppers

    Oh gosh, I know that in America we're kind of over the top about safety. But I look at the photos and think… Brave Mama! And happy kids 😀



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