Bet I Know Something About Our Pastor That You Didn’t Know

This is Gil’s newest invention for Josiah:  Bottlecap Hockey

Faith Community Church, I’m sure you would be very interested to know that your pastor is the reigning champion in the Medina house in Bottlecap Hockey.  

Bet you didn’t know that he is a man of so many talents.

Seriously, though, thank you for sending Pastor Steve to Tanzania.  Not only did he do a fantastic job training a group of pastors, but we got three days with him all to ourselves.  And when your senior pastor is kind and wise and encouraging, it doesn’t get much better than that.  

Churches, send your pastors to visit your missionaries.  Very little is more encouraging.


Just In Case You Feel Sorry For Me


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1 Comment

  1. Herding Grasshoppers

    GREAT advice! Glad the visit was so encouraging!


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