Fairy Tales Can Come True, It Can Happen to You

Once upon a time, there was this guy named Quincy.  I went to college with him.  We had lots of mutual friends, so sometimes we were in the same group that hung out together.  Then we went our separate ways.  But I remember him.

There also was this girl named Heather.  She also went to the same college, but years after me (and Quincy).  I never met her, but we had lots of mutual friends.  In fact, her church missions pastor is married to one of my best friends from college.  Heather felt God leading her to teach overseas, and she found HOPAC’s website online, and she applied.  When her missions pastor found out, he hooked her up with us.  We met with him when we were in the States, and we happily agreed to make Heather a part of our family when she came to HOPAC.

Then, just a couple months before she left California, she met Quincy on a blind date.  And they both knew:  This was It.  But she still got on that plane and came to Tanzania to fulfill her commitment.

And she joined our family, every Thursday night dinner.  An auntie to my kids and an excellent friend to me.  We had a lot in common.  Especially that we both knew this guy named Quincy.

At Christmas, Quincy came out to visit Heather and stayed with us, so we got to see him again after 12 years.  We took them to Mikumi Game Reserve.  Which means we also got to witness this quite awesome event:

Can you see them waaaay back there?  (We kept our distance!)

And Gil got to be the photographer.

Today I just said good-bye to my good friend Heather, who has blessed our family (and HOPAC)tremendously this year.  I got the privilege of telling everyone how wonderful she is at our annual Teacher Appreciation banquet. 

But if we have to lose her, at least it’s to this great guy named Quincy.  Is is too cliche to say that it’s a small world?  Probably.  But when we went to college with Quincy 12 years ago, who would have thought that we would be witnessing his engagement?  In a game park in Tanzania?  To a HOPAC teacher? 

She leaves on Sunday to go home and marry this guy–in just a few weeks!  Love you, Heather and Quincy.  May God continue to bless you, exceedingly, abundantly!


Why I Love Writing Prayer Letters




  1. Anonymous

    Ah…you beat to posting! Well, I'm still going post what I already wrote about you, so there. 🙂 Nice to live in a fairy tale, I guess that means I better stop crying and chin up!

  2. Amy Medina

    ha! 🙂 as I was doing this, I was sad to realize we never got a picture together! At least I have plenty of other pictures of you…. 🙂

  3. Quincy

    Amy, I love the way you say things… very cool post… THANKS! And yes, who other than our amazing Creator would've guessed this love story?? I can't thank you guys enough… so thankful that the Medina's were a key part of our story! And thank you for 11 months of taking amazing care of my bride…. I am forever indebted! Asante Sana!!

    PS: Give LILY a big hug and kiss from her "Uncle Q-cumber!" 😀


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