Amazing Grace

Yesterday was the Secondary School Talent Show. Grace and I went to watch. The kids did a great job and everyone enjoyed it.

Right at the end, while the judges were tallying the results for a few minutes, everyone was just waiting and murmuring and someone got up and told lame jokes. Gil turned to me and said, “You should take Grace up there and see if she will sing.” We’ve gotten her to “perform” in front of groups of other people before–but it’s been maybe a maximum of 10 people. We thought, “Well, she probably won’t do it, but it’s worth a shot.” All of the secondary kids love Grace and would think it was cute even if she didn’t do anything.

So I took her up, handed her the microphone, and told her to sing the ABC song. And she did. My 2 year, 4 month old daughter sang her ABCs into the microphone in front of over 200 students, staff, and parents. We were on a roll, so then I asked her to sing “Amazing Grace,” which I had just discovered a couple days ago she could sing on her own. So she did. The crowd went beserk.

She was definitely the show-stealer. 🙂


Cultural Progress???


My Little Piece O’ Turkish Delight


  1. da halls

    Nature vs Nurture? Hmmmmm.

    How fun! I think it is so sweet that she is not only precious to you & Gil but to so many other people.


  2. Anonymous

    Amazing Grace….how sweet the child! That’s our girl! Only five more weeks and her Babu will be tickling her!

  3. Anonymous

    That’s so fun! Did anyone take video? You could post it on fb. Autumn

  4. Anonymous

    That is very brave for a little girl, or a big girl! Love to hear about all your adventures!!

  5. Megan @ SimplyThrifty

    Oh, I wish I could see a video of that.

  6. Unknown

    How precious! That made me get all teary.


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