The Highlight of a 5th Grader’s Year

Friday we returned from our 4 day trip to Amani rainforest with the 5th graders. Four years ago, I took my sixth graders on this trip; now it has become a 5th grade tradition. Gil and I chaperoned last year as well, and this year was just a bit more interesting because Grace came along! A fabulous time was had by all and we were able to spent great time building relationships with the 5th graders.

Grace did fantastic–she was in a good mood the entire time, up until the bus ride home, where she cried for about 4 of the 7 hours! (That was not fun, but you couldn’t really hear her crying above the rest of the noise in the bus!) She was extremely popular among all the 5th graders (as always!) and rode on Daddy’s back for almost all of the hikes.

We did all sorts of wonderful activities–this trip builds so many memories for the kids! My former students (now 10th graders) still talk about “our” trip and have asked me SO many times, “When can we go back?” Playing in a waterfall, visiting a butterfly farm, exploring a tea factory, roasting marshmallows….all a kid’s dreamland!

This particular 5th grade class is an absolute riot! Almost every kid in the class is overly dramatic. Their teacher let them put on a talent show one night, and the performances they came up with had us all cracking up! They would have gone on all night unless we hadn’t dragged them off the stage.

And of course, I can’t end without posting a couple of gorgeous pictures taken by my very talented husband!


Mood Lighting


Learning to be Mom


  1. Unknown

    It’s so great to be able to keep up to date with your ministry. Grace is absolutely adorable and I love seeing the pictures. Thanks for sharing!
    Wendy Gates

  2. Eileen

    Hey! It sounds like you all have a great time on the trip! That’s Megan in the above picture with the butterfly, isnt it? Her hair is so much longer now! Grace is soooo adorable! It looks like she has a huge fan club! The pictures are awesome! I cant wait for the opportunity to see you guys again and to meet Grace! Love ya and miss ya!
    ~Eileen Meier

  3. jlelovesjesus

    yay amy you created a blog space now keepign up with you gusy will be much easeir i miss you guys!! btu you already know that.

    grace is just way too cute! im really glad that you guys finally got her!

    okay i really need to go to bed!!

    dont froget abotu my blog space yes i will be updatign it but i still dotn know hwo to put picture in.


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