
On the night before my 16th birthday

my best friends kidnapped me in my pajamas

and made me a cake

and I slept over at a friend’s house

and then the next day they dressed me up in my fanciest dress

and curled my hair

and took me out for breakfast

and made me go to school like that so that everyone would know that it was my birthday.

And I felt very loved.

Sixteen years later, on my 32nd birthday,

Four of my favorite girls, who used to be my students but are now my friends

came to my house

and made me a cake

and gave me a present

and curled my hair

and decorated my daughter

and arranged for a baby-sitter, since Gil is in the States right now—thanks, Christa!
and took me out to dinner.

And I felt very, very loved.


Thankful in Tanzania


Adventures in Humidity


  1. Anonymous

    aww amy im glad you had a great birthday! i didnt realize you wer 32 i thought you were younger than that.

  2. Megan @ SimplyThrifty

    What a sweet story. Happy birthday! I’m glad your girls took care of you since Gil’s in the States.

  3. jibberish

    Happy Birthday to You! And many more!!!

  4. da halls

    Happy Birthday, Amy!

  5. Rotters

    that’s beautiful, so special!

  6. Anonymous

    Wow you are 32 !?!? I’m sure glad I’m not that old 😉 He He He

  7. Chocolate, Vanilla and Caramel

    Happy Birthday, Amy! What a neat birthday celebration, and how awesome you felt so loved!!


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